Leblog about LEJOG!

So 2014 has been a more physically challenging year for me. First up was the Cotswold113 in June which was a Half Ironman distance event. A tough challenge and one which interested me as I had never pushed my body that hard before. The swim was 1,900m which wasn’t too bad, I used to do that as a warm up in our club sessions (15 years ago) but I figured a few sessions would bring it all back. :-S
Next up was the 60 mile bike ride and then the 13 mile run, which I had run before in Gosport and Reading each time slower rather than faster!

June came and went very quickly and I completed the half ironman in 6 hours and 43 minutes which was nothing specially but was a completion. Something which had got me to the gym a couple of times and sometimes made me guilty when eating chocolate bars. The one thing it did manage to do which was biggest change was stop me from drinking alcohol almost completely for 6 months. Although it was hard I didn’t feel like I had pushed as hard as I could and I will be back next year to smash the time!

Half ironman completed and the habit of a pint over dinner destroyed it looked like an age until Lands End to John O’Groats. Let me tell you, never has time flown so quickly! Very scary!
August 15th came around and the typically quiet month was solidly booked with meetings, photo shoots, sponsor meetings and somewhere in the back of my mind was the fact I need to do some cycle training.
Ben was my hero during this time co-ordinate the purchase and build of a Merida carbon fibre frame, shimano 105 breaks and 10 speed gears. None of which meant anything to me before the trip but excited Ben, Marc and Jeff who very kindly